Sunday, 2 March 2014

The Two Kinds Of Life

Have you ever wondered why some people are been celebrated in life while many others are merely existing?

The world will not recognize you, talk more of celebrating you if you don't offer or contribute anything to it.

Many people have died and the world stood still for them. Very remarkably among them is Nelson Mandela. He went to the grave with a standing ovation from the world.
Now, the day or period he died and was buried, was he the only person in the whole wide world that passed on during that period?

Then why was he singled out for such an honour.......?
The answer is in the kind of life that he lived while on the face of the earth.

Lets look at the two kinds of life that I supposed exist.

Life#1:  The Ordinary Life
The ordinary life is self-oriented. This is the kind of life that is characterised by self-centeredness. It is the I, me and myself kind of life. this kind of life looks out for only one's good and comfort or at most the wellbeing of one's immediate family.
If privileged to get education, formally or informally, the next thing is to get a job or start a business, then make money, marry, raise kids, build houses, buy cars, enjoy life and possibly pursue dreams that has only self at the centre.
That is the pattern of the ordinary life.
The summery of this kind of life is selfishness.
............and you know what?
immediately, this kind of people die, they are forgotten, no matter the amount of wealth they have accumulated for themselves. the few of them that are  mentioned in their lifetime were only noticed because of their wealth but immediately they die, they are forgotten because they only lived for themselves.
Unfortunately, majority of  people are living this kind of life. Living only for themselves and family. Hunting for money for personal aggrandisement is their primary concern. This is the most popular kind of life.
Life#2: The Extra-Ordinary Life. 
The extra-ordinary life is people oriented. This is the life of impact. This kind of people live their life for others!  No wonder, they are celebrated both in their lifetime and in death.
They are the legend of the world.
How does this kind of people live their life?
They either totally offer themselves to the world or at least offer something out of themselves to the world.
At a young age, Nelson Mandela discovered that something is wrong in the way his Race is been lead in their own land. He didn't just murmured and complained to himself or to the helpless people around him, just like many of us do, neither did he just cursed the leaders. Instead, he decided to stand up against it.
The journey was not  smooth but he persevered, giving all of himself to the cause of seeing a better society, at the end, he conquered and his name was written in gold.
The extra-ordinary life gives to the world while the ordinary life seeks to receive from the world. 
Did you see the numbers of world leaders that graced his burial? 
That man didn't just  lived an ordinary life!
Just like 'Mandiba', in the history of the world, many others have lived such an exceptional life. The greatest of them all is Jesus Christ. Are you still wondering why the world is still celebrating Him after many decades?
Jesus gave his very life for the salvation of the world, so tell me, why wont the world celebrate Him till eternity?
Martin Luther King Jnr also treaded the path of extra-ordinary life and he is still adored till today even my very own mentor, Chinua Achebe, played his own part and many others. These men passed on with a standing ovation from the world because they contributed something to life.
The good news is that, the kind of impact that they made, you and I too can also make it, in our own different unique ways and receive the same recognition both in our lifetime and in death. Don't just dream to be like them, take action by starting from the very place you are now, I mean your immediate environment. Look out for how you can better the situation of people around you.
So which kind of life do you want to live? Do you want to be remembered for something after your sojourn on earth or you are just satisfied with the ordinary life, concerned about only your needs, amass wealth and possessions for only yourself  and leave the earth without a footprint?
People of impact see life beyond themselves. 
We all have something to offer to the world. Yes! but its a personal choice to give it out or not. Nobody came into this world empty. God is not that wicked or partial!
As for me, I have decided to live the extra-ordinary life. I have decided to search deep into myself and find out that which I can offer to the world to make the world a better place. I don't want to pass through the world like a shadow. I want to leave a footprint! God help me??
.....but how I wish you are on the same road with me because together we can make a greater impact!

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