Money is very sweet! money has the power to catapult a nobody to a somebody within a twinkle of an eye. Money gives someone power and a voice.
The presence of money automatically changes one's level and increases one's taste too. Many plans will instantly pokes up when money shows up.
The presence of money automatically changes one's level and increases one's taste too. Many plans will instantly pokes up when money shows up.
All around us, we can clearly see the power and influence of money. In fact, you are where you are today, mostly likely, because of the level of money you have tasted (or tasting).
In a nut shell, we can say that money makes the world go round, this is another way of saying that money answereth all things.
How true is this statement?
Yes! money answereth to all things but I believe that the ALL is only limited to material things. the ALL is restricted to everything that the world can offer.
Ok. lets try and list these things. Money can offer------ shoes, cloths, jewellery, cars, houses, education, it will take you round the world.........Oops! the list is too much. please help me and complete it, if you can.
But as much as the list seemed endless, there are still many other areas that are beyond the power of money! can we take a peep?
Money can give you a wife/husband but it cannot give you children of your own blood, money can give you a beautiful house but it cannot give you a peaceful home, money can you happiness which is dependent on circumstances but it cannot give you joy which is an ever present peace within.
Money cannot give you good health. I have seen and heard of many people with great wealth who have lost the battle to illness.
Money cannot give you salvation. No matter, how many churches you have single-handedly built and the donations you have made to churches, it will not automatically qualify you for heaven. You MUST first accept Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour and live in accordance with His Word if you are interested in making it to heaven.
The list here seemed endless too.
Agreed. Money is good and I mean very good, and it is a necessary commodity for everyone as long as we are in the world but the downside of money is that if allowed, it has the tendency to assumed the master of one's life. This is an evil.
The love of money gives it the honour of a master. Because of the power and influence of money, many people have made money the god of their life. In the pursuit of this money, many abominable and shameful acts has become the norm of the day. Many relationship has be destroyed because of the pursuit of money, homes broken, trust and respect lost and unimaginable pains inflicted on innocent people all because of money. No wonder, the bible says, the love of money is a root of all evil.
I need you to seriously ask yourself this question: are you in-charge of money or money is controlling you? if all you care most about in this world is how to make money and nothing else bothers you, not even your spiritual development, then believe me, money is reigning in your life.
Money is good but your reputation is more important than money. your relationship with love ones should be more valuable to you than your pursuit of money. there is this common name given to people from my place, the name is ONETOKOLE, it simply means a person is more than money (please forgive me my kinsmen, if I didn't get the spelling right *chuckles*). that is just the fact, human being should be more valuable to us than money.
Above all, developing your relationship with your maker should be your second priority to nothing, because He is the only one that can give you what money cannot not offer, including a glorious life after your sojourn here on earth.
Above all, developing your relationship with your maker should be your second priority to nothing, because He is the only one that can give you what money cannot not offer, including a glorious life after your sojourn here on earth.
And don't forget, it is only God that has the power to give you wealth, I mean wealth that comes with no sorrow and luckily for us, He has given us the formula for getting such wealth.
haven't you discover the formula? Go to Matthew 6:33. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other things shall be added unto thee."
These 'every other things' includes money and I mean, lots of it!
God is ever faithful to His Word. As a young person, Instead of struggling to make money on your own and in the process making it the lord of your life, thereby attracting many avoidable evils to your life, why not try the divine formula which comes with lots of peace.
Back to our question of the day: Does money actually answereth to all things?
Yes! but the ALL is restricted to only material things. Only the things the world can offer because the use of money is limited to only this world.
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