Sunday, 24 November 2013

CHRISTIANITY: more than a religion.

What describes a religion?........religion is a belief and act of worship devoted to something or someone who is  perceived or assumed to be a deity. In most cases, it is usually and strictly
a master and slave interaction.

Christianity is far more that. Christianity is simply a relationship. A love relationship between human and the almighty God. Simply put, God wants us to fall in love and relate with Him the way we do with our boyfriends and girlfriends.
we know how much we want to communicate with our love ones, care for their needs and trying as much as possible not  to hurt them deliberately, that's exactly how God want us to relate with Him. He wants to be at the centre of every of our plans.

God does not want us to look up to Him only when we are in need or even see Him as a distant heavyweight that needs to be worshiped from afar, this is what religion preaches. In contrast, God simply wants to be our life partner. He desired to be an acknowledged Friend in good and challenging times.

So pals, how have you been viewing Christianity? it strictly as a religion or an enjoyable personal love relationship between you and God through Jesus Christ. the latter is what God expects from you!

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