This is no longer news: "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth........And God said 'Let there be light,' and there was light......"
That is the beginning of the creation story, at the end of it all, Man was created last. why?
"because God wants man to be in charge of all his other creations." I can hear you reply me back immediately. You are right, but that is not all.
God's plan for man is always good, right from the very beginning of man's existence. God wants man to live very comfortably on the face of the earth, that is another very important reason why He made everything available on earth before creating man.
Before the fall, Adam did not struggle to feed himself or provide his basic needs. Sin introduced struggling into his life, so we can be right to say that, sin is the inventor of the "struggling for survival" condition which is very prevalent in the human race today. This is definitely not the programme of God for His beloved children.
Struggling to make a living is not supposed to be the lifestyle of God's children. God has designed our life in such a way that we are supposed to be enjoying some measure of grace as we pass through life.
Many persons started counting their millions right from their twenties, many of these people are not more skilful, hardworking or smarter than others. in fact, many of them are even from a very humble background but its just God connecting them with the right people at the right time and that is it! they begin to explode! that is FAVOUR!
Some people believe that they must labour and work very hard before they can get anything in life. I am not in the same street with them. Haven't them heard of other people receiving gifts of money, shoes, cloths, cars, houses, rent paid for, contract won etc. all without a single sweat on their part? That is FAVOUR!
If you always struggle and work your hands and heart out before you eat or meet every of your needs, then watch it! something is wrong somewhere.
Of course, God likes work (He worked Himself and is still working) and he expect every one of His children to be diligent in their work, in fact, He says, if anyone do not work that person should not eat. That is the extent God values work but at the same time, God does not expect us to labour for all that we need on earth. He has so programmed it in such a way that many of our needs and desires will be met unplanned, unmerited and unannounced because of our relationship with Him. That is the heritage of His children.
Take a good look at yourself and do a cross self-examination. Did you laboured for all that you have presently gotten, acquired or enjoyed (or enjoying). if your answer is a capital YES! then it should give you a great cause for concern because it simply means that you have not been enjoying Divine favour.
FAVOUR is the shortest road to breakthrough.
Do you want to start provoking favour into your life like an escaping flood from a dam? (I guess you are seriously nodding your head. *laughs*)
Follow these three simple steps:
- BE BORN AGAIN: this is the scratch. if you have not done this, waste no further time. we are all born sinners because of Adam. (even a new born baby is a sinner. believe me!) Reconnect yourself back to God immediately. Salvation opens the door to divine favour.
- FIND SOMETHING DOING: discover your inborn gift, develop it and put it into action. the first step above will help you to quickly discover your divine package. God has promised to bless the work of our hands but He must find something in our hands to bless, no matter how small it is. That is only when we can be working like an ant but eating like an elephant. (isn't this a good prayer point?). Your gift is your goldmine, do all you can to discover it.
- BE FAVOURABLE TO OTHERS: show favour to the people you come across with. This is very important and will determine to a large extent the rate of favour that comes your way. remember the popular saying, whatever you sow, you shall reap. if it works for unbelievers, it will work much more for you. And what about the golden rule: Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. Start from where you are and with what you have. The good news is that your harvest will always be more than what you sowed. (ever been to the farm before? you will understand my gist better!)
Sowing and reaping is an unfailing principle. if you sow favour into the lives of others, you will also become a candidate of favour.
# You will work but the result of your work will be much more than you expected.
# You will receive favour (of gifts & connections) from people and sources you never dreamed of. Divine connection is very important to your success in life, it will take you beyond where only your skills cannot take you to. it comes by favour!
In conclusion: pray for favour, sow favour into others and expect favours. your expectation will never be cut off.
In conclusion: pray for favour, sow favour into others and expect favours. your expectation will never be cut off.
As a child of God, your case is different, you must not struggle to get all you need in life. You will not go far in life with that method.
Tap into favour. its a personal decision but an advice from a friend is: Make yourself a candidate of favour and watch your dreams come true.
Favour and not Labour, is the shortest cut to breakthrough
Favour and not Labour, is the shortest cut to breakthrough
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