Sunday, 23 February 2014

The ills of Materialism

Some time ago, I thoroughly checked my wardrobe and you know what?......I made some thought-provoking discoveries.
 Cooling off In my wardrobe were two new stuffs which I had bought a long time before that time, still waiting for me to do justice to them. I have never wore them, not even once (and I was very much aware).
I also found out about, at least, three other stuffs that I have not put on in the last six months before that time. Nothing was wrong with all these stuffs,
they were clean and sophisticated (at least for my present level *laughs*). But there I was, at that same point, still strongly urged to get new stuffs, then I paused and asked myself:
 "What is the chase all about?"
Have you ever come to that point before?
Materialism is simply having a field day in our society today, like the matchless mighty eagle in the heart of the air. There is this mad rush for accumulation of material things. we keep on gathering more, even when they are not useful to us. the worst of it is that many people never get to enjoy what they have because their eyes are always looking out for more new stuffs.
What is materialism?
I consulted my dictionaries and here is what they generously gave me
  1. Constant concern over material possessions and wealth; a great  or excessive regard for worldly concerns.
  2. An excessive desire to acquire and consume material goods.
  3. Focus on possessions: devotion to material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or  intellectual values.
 Whenever we talk about materialism, most of us will be tempted to point accusing fingers at the bigwigs and superstars in our society.
How they have arrogantly built and continue to build mansions and business empires all around the world without concern for the hungry people around them.
How they have occupied the spaces in their compounds with state of the art automobiles and yet they have not stopped buying more.
The list is endless.
I even heard that some superstars have rooms dedicated to only their shoes and cloths!
People that have been crying unto God for accommodation, even a single room, must not hear that!
Before we finish crucifying these bigwigs, lets take a look at ourselves. As young people still pursuing destiny and not having much yet, is there any trace of materialism in our life too?
The following questions might be helpful in  our self-examination. 
How many mobile phones do I have? for us in this part of the world, the number and quality of the mobile phone someone is using, is a  benchmark for evaluating one's respect! many people have be carried away by this phenomenon. You will see people flaunting their expensive phones, trying to get attention and subsequently, respect. People with three mobile phones in their hands is a common sight here. many young people struggling for a living are using the best kind of phones.
How many shoes and clothing's do I have? many young people's lives are been controlled by the fashion trend in clothing. it is fashion that dictates what they put on even if it is uncomfortable for them. Have you ever seen a young woman walking very uncomfortably in high heels or in a particular kind of dress? these are common sights, down here. And since fashion is never constant, they always try to live up to the moment. the result is, an overflowing wardrobe. Sometimes, it is only when they see someone else with a particular cloth that they will remember that they have that kind of cloth too.(it has happened to you. isn't it?).
Materialism starts gradually with little things, accumulating them more than necessary and as the influence of your pocket grows, so also will materialism grow in you if it has gotten hold of you.
As young people aspiring to fulfil destiny, most of our resources are supposed to be directed towards our dreams and not to material possessions. There is time for everything, we will soon come to a stage where we will be getting whatever we wish to get without struggle. for the moment, it is time to delay unnecessary gratification and sow into our dreams. 
At a point in my life, I was so carried away by material things. in fact, I did have an awaiting list of nice stuffs to buy in case any money landed on my palm. The experience was not funny at all as I was always restless as a result of my eagerness to cover my list. Materialism became a disease in my life. Thank God for His mercy, God opened my eyes to it and I immediately declared a 'state of emergency' on it. To the glory of God, today, I am better. 
Causes of materialism
1. Acceptability: Most often, if not always, the society rates and accord respect to people according to their possessions. And you know what? everybody wants to be held in high esteem.
Young people don't want to be left behind among their clique. we want to 'feel among' and be given due respect too. But this requires us to be up-to-date in almost every ramifications. What a challenge!
The quest to be rated as a big shot by the society and maintain that tittle has led many people into materialism.
2. Competition: The quest to remain relevant among peers is another causes of materialism. If most of us are sincere to ourselves, we will agree that most of the things we have acquired is simply because it is what is in vogue among our peers. we saw them on our peers and since we don't want them to out class us, we simply went for them, even if it doesn't fit us, we just want to put the record straight that we have that stuff too.
 And so, the more we see them with new stuffs, the more we go for ours. this is more common among the ladies.
3. Lack of contentment: This is a natural problem of man, in the sense that, it is inborn. the natural man can never be satisfied with whatever he has. He will always want to have more and more of everything. It takes a new heart to be contented with material things. This new heart can only be available to you as a result of your relationship with Jesus Christ. Contentment will not only make you  to be satisfied with what you have, but also to enjoy them even as you hope for better ones.
What happens when one become obsessed with material things..........cheating, lying, stealing, armed robbery, sexual immorality etc.. will become  common habits in such life, all in the bid to satisfy these longings.
Effects of Materialism
1. Lack of peace: Materialism will steal your peace. your eagerness to keep pace with the fashion trend will make you to become restless since fashion changes like the hand of the clock. limited finance can also frustrate your materialistic desires which will make you to become unhappy.
2. Destiny will be put on hold: Materialism can delay  fulfilment of  dreams or even kill it. As a young person, if you are too moved by material things, you may not be able to meet your dreams because resources that is supposed to be invested into your dreams will be used to satisfy your untamed appetite.
3. Love of money: Since money is what is needed to get these material things, how to get money will become the priority of a materialistic person and it will gradually get to the point that such a person will do anything to get the money.
4. Possessions becomes  god: The rich young man in the bible refused salvation because of his possessions, they were too dear to him than anything. this is one the characteristic of materialistic
people. you don't dare come near their possessions. They have attached so much value to their possessions that it has almost become a god to them. Do you believe that some people can get their neighbours arrested for bashing their car?
5. Stinginess: Their possessions have become god to them and to compound matters, since they don't believe that they have enough, how can they give out the 'little' that they have.
God wants us to live our live in such a way that we can be able to do without any of our material things. In fact, Christ said, a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. If God gives us more than enough, it is for the purpose of sharing with others.
Friend, at this point in your life, you need to invest in your dreams and visions and not on unnecessary material things. This requires huge discipline on your part because the society has been corrupted with materialism. But knowing where you are going should give you enough courage to stand your ground against the temptation of materialism.
Therefore, the next time, you want to get that new stuff, pause a moment and ask yourself:
"Do I really need this stuff now?" 

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